Monday, October 18, 2004

Monday reads

Some articles from the last week or so that you might find interesting.

Hugh Hewitt is running a week-long virtual seminar:
Vox Blogoli IV: Why vote for Bush, and what's wrong with Kerry?

Captain's Quarters
- "Explaining Why We Fight To Our Children" part I, part II, part III

Power Line
- An army brat's case against John Kerry
- Kerry's Blunder
- Jimmy Carter: Still Selling Out America

American Thinker
- John Kerry: Sophist for the 21st Century

Washington Times "Inside the Beltway 10/15/04"
- A President's Prayer (Google cache version)

Arthur Chrenkoff
- Good news from Afghanistan, Part 5
- Bin Laden in Baghdad - the story that won't go away... thanks to Saddam's lawyer
- Spinning soldiers

TCS: Tech Central Station
- Thinker in Chief
- Kerry's Contempt
- The Liberal Case for Bush

RealClear Politics
- Commentary 10/18/04
- RCP Electoral Count

New ad campaigns
- "They Served" - Swift Vets and POW's
- Club for Growth
- "World View" - Bush/Cheney'04

I also recommend the October issue of Field & Stream, which has interviews with both George W. Bush and John F. Kerry. If nothing else, you'll learn why President Bush surprised people during the debates with his firm grasp of environmental issues.

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